God, I completely forgot about this site, and I don't even remember how I found it in the first place.…
I want to be a talentless hack with no backbone or dignity. I want to sell my soul on some…
I can’t bring myself to read the news. I just can’t be bothered. Last I heard, our boys and girls…
My neighbor, who weighs half what I do, routinely wears stiletto clogs that weigh twice what I do. She also…
I don’t care about your pet(s). No one else does either. He or she is just humoring you. I know…
We need a War on WARâ„¢. Not wars like that Nintendo game gone miserably wrong in Iraq. I mean these…
For your ranting pleasure.
Words fail me. On the bright side, in four years the phrase, "Worst president since Nixon" won't sound so bad.…
After waiting for about an hour, maladr1n and I were just about to make it into the library. We heard…
Just got back from "early" voting. Five hours, 15 minutes. The actual voting took me and maladr1n one minute. No,…