I’m not really sure why I like to own and display weird crap in my house that fucks with people,…
Check out the Omen-quality eerieness that was with the very first preview for Star Wars. Tres chic nostalgia goodness.
General news rants about Cuba, Israel, Mel Gibson and Iraq.
I don’t get it. I just don’t get the fucking obsession. People so engrossed over a fucking baby, that they’ll…
In case you didn’t know, all your snakes are belong to us. Motherfucker.
Um, this... uh. Well, just click the link and see for yourself.Â
And here’s an interactive time killer of greatly useless but quasi-creative proportions.
Kevin Smith found a critic who rivals the assholery of Tampa theater critics. Definitely worth the read.
This poor guy. I want to laugh so badly at the great Jenga sculptor, but then I feel so bad…
The Great Uniter continued his shock and awe campaign at the G8 summit. First there was the weird creepy obsession…