A little back-story: I hate the dentist. I mean with a fear. I really have a serious problem with people…
"A perfect storm of drenching rain, irony, political rancor, public fear and — at the last minute like a fierce…
Ha! The reason I don’t know what net neutrality is is because no one knows what it is. Or they…
What the fuck is net neutrality? I've seen a load of references in the last couple weeks, never heard of…
Evidently the West Wing has been looking for something a little more... moralistic and fascist. Check out the barrel of…
This isn’t a subject that I exactly broach with excitement, but something has to be said. Since I haven’t seen…
To anyone reading this who may be a buyer working at The Gap, Heard you were having a bit of…
Beatles mashups and a seething hatred for George Bush? You betcha! Also, check out I’m the Decider (Koo Koo ka Choo,…
A sad, sad day indeed for comedy and political junkies around the world. The great boob, Scott McClellan, is resigning…