The Great Uniter continued his shock and awe campaign at the G8 summit. First there was the weird creepy obsession…
And this just in. Criminal fuckwad and morally corrupt assjackyl Ralph Reed screwed the pooch in Georgia and lost the…
On Thursday, "a [New Hampshire] judge gave state Democrats the go-ahead Thursday to question high-ranking Republicans in a civil suit…
Lesson for the week: if you ever want to sell something to someone and really rob them of any self-respect…
Go to the dentist yesterday. Spend 25 minutes in the waiting room, filling out a form where I am asked:…
Feeling insignificant lately? Pshaw! See a visual representation of you vs. the rest of the world in this pretty graphic.…
This video comparison is rather frightenizing. Evidently, our President didn't always talk like an extra from The Ringer (which, btw,…
Here's a small amount of back story.
250pm - Call Dentist. See if they got the fax. Put me on hold. 255pm - They got the fax.…
I’m going to make a very broad, sweeping stereotypical inference and ask: when the fuck did everyone become so unanimously…