Does he have something better to do?

Okay, I’m going to keep this short, but this is making me sick. I don’t know which is worse: hiding the killed soldiers or the fact that our current president has not attended ONE memorial or funeral for a soldier who has died because of his decisions. This kind of deplorable behavior and sheer lack of respect and reality deserves a good stripping down, followed by a tarring and feathering. This thick son of a bitch should be pinned down while every spouse, parent and child who has lost someone in military service in Iraq or Afghanistan lines up and takes turns slapping the fuck out of him until his teeth fall out of his empty skull and his jaw becomes unhinged.

Sorry, if I’m coming a bit off the handle, but now it’s becoming an issue of sheer, base inhumanity.

(Here’s a backup article, in case the Washington Post moves/deletes the article.)

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