You Daily Irony Supplement

It’s Senate confirmation time. For those out of the loop, Condoleeza Rice is up for Secretary of State and Alberto Gonzales is up for Attorney General. Anyway, according to Slate (who is citing the Washington Post):

…stonewalling is the latest most fabulous trend among Cabinet nominees. Asked about some pre-war briefings on Iraq’s weapons programs, Rice said, “I’m sorry, I just don’t remember.” And asked to detail his role in the memo that build the legal framework for torture, which the papers have reported that Gonzales requested, Gonzales wrote to senators, “I have no present knowledge of any such notes, memoranda, e-mails or other documents and I have not conducted a search.”

[The Post] even counts up Gonzales’ written evasions: “I am not at liberty to disclose” at least 10 times; “I do not recall” or “I have no recollection” six times; I did not “conduct a search” seven times; “I am not at liberty [to discuss certain matters]” 10 times; and “I have no present knowledge” seven times. “It’s a little bit appalling,” said one Reagan administration official. “A conservative should want greater congressional scrutiny—it limits government.”

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