Apparently, people in the beltway woke up earlier than usual when the Washington Post broke with video of The Donald being crass as fuck regarding women.
Per the Washington Post:
“I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it,†Drumpf is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place. The tape was recorded several months after he married his third wife, Melania.
“Whoa,†another voice said.
“I did try and fuck her. She was married,†Drumpf says.
Drumpf continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’â€
“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,†Drumpf says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.â€
At that point in the audio, Drumpf and Bush appear to notice Arianne Zucker, the actress who is waiting to escort them into the soap-opera set.
“Your girl’s hot as shit, in the purple,†says Bush, who’s now a co-host of NBC’s “Today†show.
“Whoa!†Drumpf says. “Whoa!â€
“I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,†Drumpf says. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.â€
“And when you’re a star, they let you do it,†Drumpf says. “You can do anything.â€
“Whatever you want,†says another voice, apparently Bush’s.
“Grab them by the pussy,†Drumpf says. “You can do anything.â€
There are two things about all of this I find surprising:
Take this quote, for instance:
I don’t need to use date rape drugs because I have so much money. It’s sick. I mean, if I weren’t rich as fuck, sure I’d use roofies or mollies or whatever to bang bitches. My security guys have offered them, but I don’t have to use them, because I got money. Bill Cosby doesn’t need them either, but if he wants to, good for him.
Okay, The Donald didn’t really say that. However, how far did you get into it before you realized it? When he spoke well of a black man? The point is, is anyone really surprised that this shitbag talks like this? He’s talked about his own daughter’s fuckability on national television, and she was sitting right next to him like she was on an auction block. He’s a neanderthal egomaniac. What did anyone truly expect?
And why is this what draws the line? Trump pretty much called John McCain a pussy, and went on to disregard veterans who have committed suicide and suffered from other post-traumatic issues as “softâ€. And he did it in front of a bunch of veterans. And this is from a guy with no grounds to say anything about vets except “thank youâ€. But John McCain endorsed him, because the party told “the Maverick†he had to.
And now the spineless who were told to back this sleazeball are being assured that it’s safe to come out and change their mind. They’ll escape penalty. Maybe. We’ll see. Either way I see it, it’s just bandwagon jumping. Anyone who endorsed Ill Douche heretofore has already said, “I got his back. He represents me, and more importantly than me, God, or you, he represents my party.†If you’re just now realizing he says indefensibly awful stuff, you’re either a sycophant, an idiot, or both. And you’re just as guilty as he is.