Just went out for more provisions. In honor of this day, I returned with 13 provisions, namely 12 Bass ales and a bag of pretzels. While I was at the Circle Eleven, two Japanese girls, maybe 19 years old, came to the counter. They wanted to know the best way to Fort Lauderdale.
“You don’t want to go to Fort Lauderdale,” I said, laughing.
“Because there’s no way to drive there without driving into a fucking hurricane. Trust me.”
“At all?”
“Do you know what how big this ‘storm’ is?”
“When will the storm pass?”
“Well, it’ll be on top of us at 8. Maybe by midnight, the worst will be over.”
For a second, I seriously considered giving them shelter… but the thought of two Asian teenagers in my house… 100 mph freight train maelstrom… and there’s a lots of whiskey… and the one who knew English was cute… but the one with the eye patch… no.
So I grabbed my pretzels and beer and came home. Not really anyone on the roads. It was kind of nice.
broadwater just called me. Behind him, I heard Athlete, live, presumably from somewhere in Cornwall UK. God I love surreal days.
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Dear Penthouse Forum,
There I was just minding my business, buying some hurricane provisions…
Ahhh, but think of the STORY potential.
Should have gone for it, man.
I never thought you’d pass up an opportunity to skull-bugger an asian tourist during a hurricane. Tsk, tsk.
I am just dissapointed in you sir to just give up such a rich opportunity like that- even if you weren’t really interested in either one- BUT THE STORY — THE STORY WOULD LIVE ON FOREVER!!!!
Damn, you beat us to it.
So the one with the eyepatch… did she look good from the side without the eyepatch?
[did i mention i have an asian fetish]