Just a few scattered notes for all my noble fans out there.
Been busy as hell lately. I mean real busy. Stupid pimp fly busy. Somehow I went from über-laconic to all pistons firing on overdrive. Sadly, strangely, it feels kinda good.
Mineola is in tech, and it looks great. I had a few nights away from it, which really helped spot shine my perspective on the piece. The sound is really a separate character, and I heard it last night for the first time. I just about wet may pants laughing on a few occasions. Also, the sound adds a new, tearjerker edge to the end of one scene – something that never even crossed my mind for that scene before (DS3, in case you’re wondering maladr1n).
So I took time off to work a bit on Delusion. Then one thing after another came up. I’d go into detail, but it really isn’t that interesting. Just a whole buncha stuff that has to get done. So, lots of stuff on lots of different burners – just enough to make me frustrated that I’m wasting some of my Delusion time on non-Delusion errata.
Mellifluous. That’s it. Just felt like writing mellifluous. Don’t even know what it means. Maybe I do. Okay, I do if I think about it. But I don’t care. I just like the way it sounds. C’mon, say it with me. Mel-li-flu-ous. Ahhh.
You got it: I’m losing my mind.
I couldn’t even tell you the last time I read the news. I’m catching bits and pieces here and there on BBC News. Doesn’t seem like I’m missing much. Y’know, the news is getting more and more like a soap opera. When you’re entrenched with it, you can’t put it down, but if you miss a week or so, it takes about 5 minutes to catch up. Let me see if I’m off at all; just guessing:
But the Lighting evened it up last night! That much I do know. Aw yeeeeaaaah.
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Mellifluous is a wonderful word. My favorite word, actually.
It is for describing something beautiful, like a singing voice, or a song. It’s primarily auditory in that sense. Intangible beauty. Ethereal beauty.
or it means full of sweetness. :)
Didja spot the Wilhelm in the sound design?
Let me guess, in one of the explosions?
Uh-uh. Want me to tell you, or do you wanna play “Where’s Wilhelm” tonight?
Sudan = fucked…ain’t that the truth? *sigh*