I thought I was going to write something productive. Then I made the mistake of going on livejournal. Now I suddenly feel the desire to express something, which to me should seem so painfully obvious that it staggers the imagination. (I can’t believe I even have to declare this.)
From today’s AP: Mass. Court Clears Way for Gay Marriages
Before I begin: 2 things.
1) Given the nature that LJ has taken on lately, this is directed at no one. It is simply my opinion, my self-indulgent little rant, and at the end of the day, no one cares about my opinion except me. The same holds true for you and yours.
2) For those of you that think that this has something to do with religion, take your Bible, or your Torah, or the wood blocks that your “holy man†scribed on with a magnifying glass and the sun, or whatever religious text you live by, and shove it up your ass. For the purposes of this topic, your faith is completely irrelevant.
[spprs cracks knuckles]
Now, let’s begin.
There are two kinds of marriage in this country: that observed by the government, and that observed by an organized religion. For a legally binding marriage, the former is mandatory, the latter is optional.
It so happens that many marriages that are bound by a religion are observed as legal by the government. However, when you get married, you and your spouse still have to sign a contract with the state. I don’t care if Jesus comes down from Heaven and does the ceremony. Your governor doesn’t care either. You still have to sign the dotted line.
The benefits of this contract are that the newlyweds are now possibly entitled to (among many things) the following:
The list goes on. The point is that without that government observed contract, the tables are significantly turned against two people who are not, much less cannot be, married.
Now, there was a time when the local priest or rabbi or crazy guy with magnifying glass represented the common good, and his word was your contract. Religion and law were merged. However, we have since leapt out of those times, and with the invention of a constitution that separates church from state, there are now legislators, judges, and lawyers that have nothing to do with your god(s). There is the law of the land, and there is the law of your faith. The two may resemble each other, but they are distinctly separate.
It is true that the leaders of organized religions are recognized by the government to perform marriages. Part of this is a carry-over from ye olden dayes. Part of it is strictly a matter of convenience. But your priest still has to fill out the red tape and submit it to the justice of the peace. So does Captain Stubing, when you get married on the Love Boat.
Am I saying religion should observe gay marriages? I couldn’t care less. Every religion is different, and that religion is responsible for setting those rules. That is the beauty of the First Amendment. You can choose your religion. Or you can choose to not choose a religion. Is a marriage that is strictly done by a judge at the courthouse recognized by God? No idea. You’ll have to ask God. But for the sake of marriage in the United States, it does not matter.
If you must stand by your holy book, ask yourself: does it condemn marriages by members who belong to separate religions? After all, the 10 commandments strictly state “thou shall have no other God but meâ€. So, does that mean heterosexual Hindus can’t marry each other? After all, aren’t they living in sin? Stick this in your pipe: if the Church of Satan is recognized as a religion in your state, then Satanists can marry each other. That is, of course, if they’re straight. What’s Yahweh’s call on that one? I can play this game all day, because everyone’s religion is different, and everyone’s holy text is completely and subjectively interpreted by each individual. As far as law goes, it is foundation built on loose sand. That’s why there is a separation between church and state.
It seems to me that two people who truly love each other, are dedicated to each other, and want to spend the rest of their lives supporting each other and fostering a binding relationship, should not be condemned, regardless of who those two people happen to be. They should be supported and encouraged to grow. I don’t think I’m out of line by saying that’s something Christ would expect.
I assure you, whatever you have done in a bedroom that got your jollies going would gross out someone else on this planet, not to mention clash with someone’s religious code. Cope. And mind your own fucking business. The world is hard enough as it is without creating more conflicts and divisions between us.
Remember, Jesus did not say, “Love thy neighbor… unless they’re faggots.â€
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I’m sorry that I seem to have taken over your LJ post. If it gets too annoying, you’ll let me know, right? I’ll be more than happy to take this off into email if you wish.
In the meantime, I’m waiting for others to jump in. 8-)
I was just wondering how long this was going to go on. I stopped reading it sometime yesterday. Typically, I like to encourage open discussions, so it’s not that big of a deal. Until I get sick of it, that is. Believe me, I’ll let you know. Thanks for the consideration, though. ;)
i thought you were just trying to get yo’self listed on ljdrama.
From a non adopted, very definate Native American, I do prefer either Native American or specific tribe name. I’m not particularly PC, and I’m neither white, nor a man.
Re: Also in Leviticus…
Okay, so you want it both ways. You want to love the sinner, while condemning the sin, but it’s okay to show it in a favorable light in art?
I’m confused. Truly and completely confused.
I was raised to believe that being a Christian meant teaching by example but without being judgemental. He who is without sin and all that..
I will not cast stones of that nature. I wouldn’t dream of saying I’m without sin and capable of that sort of divine judgement.
Re: Also in Leviticus…
By saying homosexuality is a sin, I am not making a judgement. God did that looooooong ago.
Re: Adopted?
I wish you could have been at the Chamber’s Farm pow-wow a few years ago when an elder was speaking about this. It was a real eye-opener.
Re: Also in Leviticus…
oh, but you are. you’re saying it’s a sin based on what you, personally, believe to be the ‘truth’:
see the following definitions of judgment:
judg·ment also judge·ment ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jjmnt)
The act or process of judging; the formation of an opinion after consideration or deliberation.
The mental ability to perceive and distinguish relationships; discernment: Fatigue may affect a pilot’s judgment of distances.
The capacity to form an opinion by distinguishing and evaluating: His judgment of fine music is impeccable.
The capacity to assess situations or circumstances and draw sound conclusions; good sense: She showed good judgment in saving her money. See Synonyms at reason.
An opinion or estimate formed after consideration or deliberation, especially a formal or authoritative decision: awaited the judgment of the umpire.
A determination of a court of law; a judicial decision.
A court act creating or affirming an obligation, such as a debt.
A writ in witness of such an act.
An assertion of something believed.
A misfortune believed to be sent by God as punishment for sin.
Judgment The Last Judgment.
(you fall under at least one of those).
if you believe it to be a sin, that’s absolutely fine. however, the government, given the separation between (any) church and state, can not, in any way, use the christian scripture (or any OTHER scripture) to devise laws.
further, your paranoid ideas about the government coming in and telling religious groups what to do are entirely unfounded – for the very same separation-of-church-and-state reason. the stae won’t be coming in to tell the christian church that they have to recognize homosexual marriage in their church. the state may need to realize a civil union, but a church – by definition – is completely outside all of that. your church can choose to recognize what it chooses to – the benefit of being a private institution.
the government, on the other hand, is a public institution, and must act accordingly, whether it follows the beliefs of you or not. if you choose to live your life to a higher standard – that’s AWESOME. you have the freedom (and desire) to do that. good!
however, that doesn’t mean that your morals or ethics should be imposed upon the other millions of people living here. this is a free country. people can choose to live here according to their beliefs, which may or may not be in accordance with yours.
if you have a problem with that, you may want to look into moving to a country with stricter laws. the most beautiful thing about this country is its acceptance of so many different things. it really is a melting pot.
Re: Also in Leviticus…
God and law again….grrrrrr…..
My new bumper sticker:
Religious groups should stay out of politics…or be taxed!
Re: Also in Leviticus…
Wow – instant flashback. When I was a teenager, one day the priest decided to get a little political in his homily. My Dad said, “that’s it,” and we walked out of mass. It was awesome. As people were looking at us, my Dad was storming out and muttering, “when you start paying fuckin’ taxes, then you can tell people how they should vote.”
Suddenly, my Dad didn’t really care when my Mom told him to drag me to church. Happy day.